Annual association memberships are $25.00 per year. Activities fees $2.00 for members and $3.00 for non-members. We have two membership distinctions, residents and non-residents. No price difference, just based on location. Osoyoos to OK Falls, Keremeous and Rock Creek are “residents”. Out of this area and province are “non-residents”. Resident memberships have voting rights at Annual General Meetings whereby non-resident memberships do not. memberships will be on sale starting October 2, 2023. Our memberships are valid from October 1 to September 30th of each year (starting in 2023).
Memberships are purchased from a Hostess at the Centre. Cash or Cheque. We encourage everyone to become a member and support the operational costs of the facility. Our activities are lead by volunteers, our board is a working board of volunteers and we have no paid staff. We are a non-profit charitable society relying on activities fees, fundraising, donations and successful grant applications to fund the association.
Donations can be made public or private. We do issue a charitable receipt. Donations to our Memorial fund are also receipted. The Memorial Fund is used for in recognition of passed members, i.e. plaques, benches specific requests.
© 2023 OSCA