Flooring Campaign Report


Our Flooring Campaign is coming to a close and I am very pleased to report on behalf of the Committee that we have sold in excess of 60 boxes of vinyl plank flooring. The Campaign started in February and the response from members, activity leaders and the community was/is simply amazing!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Doug for, all his leg work and advocating for the floor .For Mary for spearheading the committee and taking on this new world of fundraising.  For Shelley for her countless hours in developing the website and answering my numerous questions. For Angela, Mary and Ron for all of their work to make the St. Patrick's Day Dance a roaring success. The Activity Leaders who encouraged their participants to unite in purchasing boxes. There were so many people that stepped up to help with our fund-raising efforts, so thank you for making the new floor possible.

In addition to our fund-raising effors, we were successful in obtaining a $15,000 dollar Foundational Grant from the Cogir Foundation (Cogir lmmobilier Real Estate).

Committee members are now in the concluding phase of the campaign. We will be following up with donors of $150.00 or more and clarifying their title for the plaque. The plaque will be purchased and individual names or activities  engraved.  The plaque shall be on display in the mail hall!


Ann Reilly

Campaign Co-Chair

Osoyoos Activity Centre

PO Box 828, 17 Park Place, Osoyoos, BC, Canada

Telephone:  250-495-6921

Email:    osca1@telus.net

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